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"The search for beauty in all its forms is an essential condition for us that always inspire our work. We hope to share this research with those, like us, believes in the power of culture and the arts in the ability to enter into symbiosis with the human soul. " (Pasquale Cappiello)

He has many ways to express one's essence, and one of these is the art. Through a variety of art forms man free his creativity. This is the story of a dream journey, fascinating and surprising, in a magical and engaging, in a world overflowing with notes, sounds, colors, movements. A unique experience, a veritable kaleidoscope of feelings and emotions.

Kaleidos – Emozioni in movimento is a seasoned theater production of extraordinary art exhibitions, che si susseguono sul palco, one after the other, without solution of continuity. A mixture of dance, stunt, contortion, verticalism, cabaret and music. Uno spettacolo che lascia gli spettatori senza fiato e con la sensazione di aver assistito a qualcosa di irripetibile.

Uno spettacolo in cui tutto è possibile, that enchants when it should amaze and surprise in telling. A to stage great artists of international stature, che vanno a comporre un cast di assoluto livello.

Kaleidos è una produzione Festival dei Cinque Continenti.

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